Typography and it’s importance for packaging design

Typography is a fundamental element for design and just as important as color or the absence of color.

It’s also important in the design of packages and labels, since without them there would be no way of knowing what the product contains and what characteristics it has.

In order for your typography selection to work in the packaging of your product, we suggest to take the following recommendations into consideration.

Less Is More

Let few fonts be selected for the design. Ideally, you should maintain the number of fonts between 2 and 3 in total.

One to work for the legibility of important documents, one for complimentary texts and a main one for the description of the product.

Typography with Personality

The appropriate selection of descriptive typography for the product is vital in giving the design all the personality and identity that it needs against the competition. It’s in charge of transmitting the idea that is wanted to reach the customer before they’ve even read the message.


When it comes to choosing the typography for the package, legibility is a key aspect. If the selected typeface is not clear and cannot be read, it probably does not belong to the design. An ideal source for packaging a product should be easy to read. It does not matter that a source is fashionable, because if it cannot be read, the packaging designer will be at a great disadvantage in the transmission of the message: what is inside and why we should buy it.


By using similar typography, you can create contrast by using different styles like bold, italicize, capital letters or small letters. You can combine a thick-edged font with a similar but thinner one, to create headers or subtitles. The differences in style allow the content to be simpler to read.

While it is true that an image alone can convey an idea, it may be fleeting and vanish when you take your eyes off it. However, the written word is a perfect medium for getting your message across and the correct combination of the two elements will help get across the meaning of that message.

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Typography, the letters or the words, are not the only medium for communicating a message, but also are part of the visual layout and the attractiveness of the design since each has its own character. A bad typography selection can cause the consumer to receive the wrong message or to not understand it.

In short, a good typographic choice helps to pass on the desired image in a product design, label or any type; it will reinforce and give personality to your packaging, point of sale material and all kinds of gear related to the product.

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