Northgate González Supports Olive Crest’s Good Cause

Northgate Market joins Olive Crest in the fight against child abuse.

With the help of their generous clients who leave their change as donations at the cash register, Northgate González Market’s mobile campaign that seeks to help abused children was a great success. It raised $ 88,038 for the Olive Crest organization.

Since 1973, this foundation has helped transform the lives of more than 130,000 abused and neglected children and their families.

This organization works tirelessly to meet the individual needs of children in crisis, providing safe homes, advice, and education for both young people and parents.

Olive Crest’s many innovative programs reflect their conviction that strengthening the family is the most powerful way to aid and heal children.

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With remarkable compassion, the Olive Crest family maintains a long-life commitment with young people and families, as it helps them even after graduating from the programs they offer.

They serve more than 3,500 children and families every day in California, Nevada, and the Pacific Northwest. To get information, call 800-550-CHILD (2445) or visit