If You Had 24 Hours to Live, What Would You Do?

I invite you to do the following reflection: imagine if you had 24 hours to live what would you do? What would happen if you woke up one day and you found out that you had 24 hours to live. Would you want today to be the best day of your life, or what would you wish for this day?

It’s important to consider that in order to live those last 24 hours of your life, you shouldn’t tell anyone that it was your last day on earth.

So, if you had 24 hours to live what would you do?

There are some questions that might be crossing your mind during this time. Some may include:

  • Who would you call?
  • How would you share affection in order to be remembered with kindness?
  • Whose day would you make?
  • How would you spend your time in order to use it to the fullest extent and enjoy every minute of it?
  • What things would you put in order to leave everything ready for your departure?
  • What would your list of activities for the day be?
  • What will be your legacy be to your family, your friends, your business, your employees, your city, your country, this planet, and humanity?

Here is what 100 people said they would do if they had 24 hours to live

Would just be depressed and cry all day? Or, would you do something fulfilling for your last day on the planet? Watch what these people had to say.

If I had 24 hours to live: The truth

The truth is that none of us has a guaranteed life and we should value every minute that we have on this planet to make a difference and be remembered by our legacy.

When one reflects, one realizes that what lasts are the happy moments and the extraordinary experiences that one has or gives to other people.

Regularly we live our lives in “automatic mode,” letting the special moments pass by unnoticed. We let opportunities transcend, touching the hearts of people around us pass by, forgetting the small details that make the difference in others.

Now imagine that you could live your life in periods of 24 hours, making every day the best day of your life and the best day to be remembered by others making a difference in others.

What small message would you share with them at the start of the day? How would you touch the heart of those who you’ve interacted with on a daily basis?

Did you know that every 40 seconds a person commits suicide in the world and that on average about 2,400 people commit suicide on the planet every day, according to WHO data?

How to Develop Leadership Skills with Positive Coaching

Imagine the positive impact you can make in the life of one of those people who, by listening to you, decided not to take their own life that day because they found a reason to live. It happened to me, thankfully I shared a positive thought that raised the self-esteem of this other person and I influenced in some way, causing this tragedy to be avoided.

Did you know that you have that power? Today you have 30, 40, 50 or 60 minutes less of life. How will you make a positive difference in the lives of others before you leave this world? God bless you and enjoy the next 24 hours as if they were your last with love, passion, peace, and harmony.

Eliminate negative vibes that could you could unconsciously be transmitting to other people so that you can be remembered as someone transcendental in the lives of others.

If you had 24 hours to live what would you do

24 hours left to live: Most common list of activities

Have you ever heard the saying ‘you have to live every day as if it were the last’? Imagine for a moment that you are Jack Bauer and you have 24 hours of life, what would you do?

Here is a list of what people are most likely to do:

  • Bring together loved ones
  • Spend time with my partner, friends, and family
  • Say goodbye and thank everyone for everything
  • Apologize to all the people you’ve harmed during my life
  • Leave everything in order before departure

We’re curious: If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Tell us in the comments! If you are going through a hard time. remember that you are never alone. Your loved ones will always be there to support you. Ask for help anytime.