If you are someone who spends time looking for alternatives to lose weight or detoxify, read on, you might even have the remedy in your kitchen and don’t know. I’m talking about parsley, an aromatic plant full of benefits. It contains calcium, phosphorus, sulfur and because of its high iron content, it is recommended for people with anemia, anorexia, weakness or low immune system.
Among all that it does, it helps us purify our organs, deflates and helps you eliminate liquids.
Taking it can be not very pleasant at first, but when you feel the energy it gives you and how it cleans your system, you will love it. To top it off, they say it helps the skin, nails, hair loss, hypertension and osteoporosis.
Italian parsley can be added to salads, stews, soups and sautéed, rice and even in sauce or dressing with olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.
To start the day with strength and de-toxify your body, follow one of these three recipes using crisp parsley:
- Prepare an infusion and consume it in a tea in the morning (without sugar).
- Take it to the blender with water, strain it and put the water in the fridge the night before. In the morning and on an empty stomach, take it (without sugar).
- Prepare a fresh juice, mixing water in the blender, peeled pineapple and parsley and take it on an empty stomach. This mixture is very powerful and the pineapple helps with the flavor.
Get rid of a few pounds or at least some toxins, while you fill with energy naturally.
Doreen Colondres is a celebrity chef. Author of the book The Kitchen Doesn’t Bite. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @DoreenColondres and visit www.LaCocinaNoMuerde.com, www.TheKitchenDoesntBite.com