For more than three generations the Narváez family has been dedicated to agricultural production and commercialization of farm products, harvested in the rich lands of Aguascalientes, Mexico. The history of Los Rancheros began in 1946 when Don Jesús Narváez and his five children created a small informal business to sell fresh and dried chili peppers they grew on their ranch.
Years later, Primitivo Narváez García decided to pursue the idea of
Thanks to teamwork, Primitivo Narváez García, and his children formed the agricultural company Los Rancheros”, which was renamed in 1986 as “Los Rancheros Hermanos Narváez”.
According to Gerardo Narváez Gómez, in an interview with Abasto magazine, the drive for growth of Los Rancheros has been the vision its founder had in reaching new markets both in Mexico and abroad.
A year that was marked in history for the company was 1980 when Don Primitivo said: “We look like mice in a shoebox, we must go out and expand to new markets in other countries.” “This was the beginning of an on-going process to improve quality, production and product diversification in order to sell abroad,” said Narváez Gómez.
Year after year the production and packaging processes have improved to meet the standards of quality demanded by the global market.
los Rancheros First Exports
“In 1986. Los Rancheros formally initiated exports of dried chili peppers and garlic to the United States and Canada. For the company, it wasn’t difficult to obtain entry permits for their products, according to Narváez Gómez,“ what was difficult was to get customers that valued our product. The most difficult task, however, was to overcome the fear of an unknown market”.
Later on, exports included varieties of conventional garlic, organic garlic, black garlic, and peeled garlic; Tomato, carrot and red organic prickly pear fruit. These products are currently distributed in Florida, Texas, and California.
challenges and experience
In the long history of Los Rancheros as farmers, they have overcome challenges of scaling the business while maintaining high levels of quality and safety. The teamwork and desire to contribute to Mexico’s development helped in this process.
Los Rancheros count with the highest certifications in the agricultural industry, specifically in the field of produce handling for both organic and conventional agro products and certifications that back their good manufacturing practices and the guidelines of Mexican standards, such as NOM 251.
Some of Los Rancheros certifications include:
- Global GAP
- Senasica Organico
- Senasica Convencional
- Organica Europa
- Organica USA
- Kosher and Halal certifications
Related Article: U.S. and Mexico signed a new tomatoe suspension agreement
Black garlic: star product in the U.S.
The production and export of black garlic and peeled garlic are part of the continuous search of Los Rancheros to improve and diversify its portfolio. It taps in the industrialization of these products to give an added value.
Black garlic is achieved thanks to a process of heat and humidity. The difference between conventional garlic and black garlic is that the latter has a greater amount of antioxidants and its taste is slightly sweeter.
The properties of black garlic are: a natural source of energy, provides dietary fiber, a natural antioxidant, helps in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. It can be consumed raw, as dried fruit or as an ingredient in various foods.
To sell or distribute black garlic or any other agricultural products from Los Rancheros, you can contact Gerardo Narváez Gómez by email at [email protected] or by calling +52 465-958- 0111.