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The term healing foods is commonly used to refer to foods that have healing properties.
While foods can’t cure a sickness or disease, certain ingredients have the power to speed up the recovery process after surgery, fevers, or certain illnesses according to several studies and health organizations cited in this article.
Each food listed here has specific nutrients and properties that could help the different organs and systems of the body.
Here is how these healing foods may soothe symptoms and give your body a boost!
How does FOOd works for the body?
Before diving into the actual ingredients, let’s learn a bit about the principles of each food category.
Meat: Great for muscles and tissue. Meat provides proteins, potassium, and B12 vitamins that are very important nutrients for nerve health epithelial tissue regeneration.
Fish: Proteins, omega-3 fatty acids from fish, iodine, selenium, and copper from shellfish are essential dietary fats and nutrients that may actually help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels by lowering your triglyceride levels.
Nuts: Nuts have active substances to maintain healthy skin and a good heart rate.
Legumes: Circulatory system. Vitamin B1, iron, and folic acid prevent anemia.
Cereals: Energy. Great sources of vitamin B1 and B6, folic acid, magnesium, iron, and selenium. It also helps keep the nervous system active.
Fruits: Helpful for the nervous system, skin, circulatory system, and digestive regulation. Generally, the vitamins, in addition to vitamin C, potassium, and fructose, inhibit bleeding and promote dental health, brain activities, as well as intestinal regulation.
Vegetables: Sight and circulation. Vitamins C, E, and K and provitamin a (beta-carotene) are essential for the correct vision and vitality of the blood vessels.
Dairy: Good for bones and skin. Vitamins a (Retinol) and B12, phosphorus, potassium, and iodine favor the skin, excellent bone structure, and prevent neurological disorders.
Vegetables: Skin and digestive system. Vitamins B6, k, folic acid, magnesium, iron, iodine provide energy, revitalize epithelial and fiber regulates intestinal transit.
Egg: Bones, tissues. It provides vitamins A, B12, and D that strengthen bones and amino acids of excellent quality, necessary at all organic levels, as well as phospholipids that are very useful in brain development.
Top Healing Foods
Learn about the top healing foods for different health needs.
healing foods liver
Artichoke. It has detoxifying and purifying properties that can help clean up the liver. It has an active substance called Cynarin that aids with the liver’s detoxification. Cynarin’s bitter taste helps activate bile secretion, which facilitates the digestion of fats.
Asparagus. Its fiber may help clean the intestine. Its potassium content favors the elimination of accumulated toxins through the liver and urine. It’s great when there are liver or kidney problems.
Cabbage. It’s rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and copper, all of which may improve the muscles’ tone and relaxation capacity. Also, its sulfur compounds protect the liver and skin, fight infections, and have antirheumatic properties.
Healing foods for kidneys
Parsley. Thanks to its ethereal apiol oil, it promotes diuresis, and thus the kidneys filter the toxic substances present in the blood. The parsley juice cure for a period of 4 to 6 weeks is very effective.
Peach. It contains a lot of potassium, which stimulates the kidneys’ eliminating function while promoting their cleaning, reducing the chances of contracting infections in the urinary system.
Celery. May detoxifies thanks to its terpenes. These aromatic substances may protect the kidney and bladder from stones. Celery is also known to remove toxins, wastes, and contaminants from your body, and keeping a clean urinary tract.
Healing Foods For Esophagitis
Aim for cooked fruits, vegetables, avocado, and fish. All of these are easier to swallow than raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid tough meats, fresh “doughy” bread or rolls, hard bread crust, and abrasive foods.
Eating soft, bland food can feel more soothing on your throat and esophagus.
Avocados and bananas also work well.
Avocado. High cholesterol and fatty acids can make Esopahgitis worse. Avocado contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, very suitable for controlling cholesterol and triglycerides.
Bananas. This fruit may help by coating an irritated esophageal lining and thereby helping to combat discomfort. Its high-fiber content also helps strengthen your digestive system
Soups and broths made from squash, potatoes (without the skins), carrots, peas, and other vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce pain and swelling in your esophagus.
Avoid anything fibrous or filled with seeds, such as okra, artichokes, and celery.
Healing Foods For Cancer
Tea. According to the National Cancer Institute, tea polyphenols have also been shown to inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in laboratory and animal studies.
Grapes. This fruit is a rich source of antioxidant resveratrol. Studies show that resveratrol can potentially stop cancer from starting in the breast, liver, stomach, and lymphatic systems.
Much of its positive effects are due to its content of bioflavonoids, which protect blood vessels, prevent arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and are especially effective in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease.
“The grape’s skin has the most resveratrol, so leave the skin intact,” Wohlford says.
Broccoli. This cruciferous is well known for its potential anticancer power. It is also an abundant source of calcium and phosphorus, two essential minerals for the good condition of bones and muscles. On the other hand, its regular consumption is useful to combat hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, and constipation.
Healing Foods For Gastritis
Recommended foods for gastritis: pasta, rice, white bread, cooked and skinless vegetables, potatoes, cooked fruits, lean meats, fish, egg whites, skimmed dairy products, water, and caffeine-free drinks. Food should be prepared boiled, baked, grilled, or grilled, avoiding frying.
Honey. This sweet ingredient is packed with antioxidant compounds that may help strengthen the lining of the stomach walls. According to this study carried out by Sultan Qaboos University (Oman), being antimicrobial would prevent infections caused by microbes. Drinking hot teat with raw honey has several potential benefits for aiding with gastritis.
Onion. A study carried out by Bastyr University (United States) determine that onions could contribute to the elimination of Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for the appearance of gastritis. However, you should consult the proper way to eat onions for Gastritis with your doctor.
Healing foods for Back Pain
Ginger. Ginger root has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that may relieve muscle, back, or joint pain, making it useful for people who have arthritis, rheumatism, and osteoporosis. You can incorporate two to three teaspoons of ginger a day which may help ease back pain.
Salmon. Salmon is high in calcitonin, which has been clinically proven to help reduce inflammation in joints. Calcitonin in salmon may help lower different types of pain. Salmon also contains omega-3s, which could help reduce inflammation. These compounds may also help improve blood flow to your back and keep you healthier.
Sweet Potatoes. This food contains anti-inflammatory thanks to a nutrient called choline. According to research, Choline has been shown to reduce inflammatory responses in the body resulting in less pain. Eat it with a fish like salmon for a potential double anti-inflammatory effectiveness!
Foods for healing wounds faster
Closing wounds more quickly may be possible if we follow a diet mainly based on proteins, carbohydrates, omega 3, vitamin K, and iron. According to the Cleveland Clinic, our bodies need more calories, protein, vitamins, and sometimes zinc to promote healing and prevent infection. All of these nutrients might boost the wound healing process.
Can food help you heal faster?
Remember, no food can cure a disease or sickness. However, certain foods have the power to soothe symptoms and give our bodies a boost when we need it the most.
Before trying out any of these “healing foods” talk to your doctor before including them in your diet.
With good nutrition and proper dietary changes, you’ll be on the road to accelerated recovery.